Does India view China as a Revisionist Power?
The Institute of International Relations would like to cordially invite you to a lecture with guest speaker taking place on 8th October at 5 PM at the Institute of International Relations, Nerudova 3, Prague 1.
8. 10. 2018 (17:00)
Institute of International Relations, Nerudova 3, Prague 1
Debate continues, both in the United States and elsewhere as to whether China is a revisionist power or not. Donald Trump’s National Security Strategy (NSS) paper have asserted China as a revisionist power. A broader consensus however exists in the United States and elsewhere that China is certainly not a traditional status-quo power. The shades of Chinese revisionism in establishing new institutions and its flagship Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) have encouraged the United States to apply different mechanisms to check China’s rising influence. The United States increasing subscription of Indo-Pacific, renaming of Pacific Command as Indo-Pacific Command and backing of the Quad 2.0 are some of the direct reflections of this. Does India, the United States strategic partner and an affiliated country with the Quad 2.0 forum, witness China as a revisionist power? This talk will address India’s perception of China as a power and the relationship dynamics between India and China in the Indo-Pacific.
Dr. Jagannath P. Panda is a Research Fellow and Centre Head for East Asia at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi, India. He is an expert on China, China-India Relations, Korean peninsula, and Indo-Pacific security. He is also the Series Editor for “Routledge Studies on Think Asia”. Dr. Panda was a Korea foundation fellow for the year 2018.
Dr. Panda is in charge of the East Asia Centre’s academic and administrative activities, including the Track-II and Track 1.5 dialogues with the Chinese, Japanese and Korean think-tanks/institutes. He is a recipient of V. K. Krishna Menon Memorial Gold Medal (2000) from the Indian Society of International Law & Diplomacy in New Delhi.
Dr. Panda is the author of the book India-China Relations: Politics of Resources, Identity and Authority in a Multipolar World Order (Routledge: 2017). He is also the author of the book China’s Path to Power: Party, Military and the Politics of State Transition (Pentagon Press: 2010). He has also edited many books to his credit. He has also been a visiting fellow at the USA, Sweden, China, Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan.
Dr. Panda is a Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Asian Public Policy (Routledge). Dr. Panda has published in leading peer-reviewed journals like Journal of Asian Public Policy (Routledge), Journal of Asian and African Studies (Sage), Asian Perspective (Lynne Reiner), Journal of Contemporary China (Routledge), Georgetown Journal of Asian Affairs (Georgetown), Strategic Analyses (Routledge), China Report (Sage), Indian Foreign Affairs Journal (MD Publication), Portuguese Journal of International Affairs (Euro Press) etc.